National Business Review Spotlight:πŸš€"Bolster brings military precision to sea freight tracking"

🌐🚒 Bolster, the Sea Freight Intelligence Platform and your trusted partner in revolutionizing supply chain insight for enhanced decision-making, was recently featured in the National Business Review.

Bolster co-founders, Guy Phillips and Steffen Merten, being interviewed at NBR studios Wellington, NZ.

Image Source: NBR

πŸ“° This spotlight highlights our commitment to redefining sea freight tracking with military precision. In this post, we'll glimpse into the key takeaways from the feature and encourage you to explore the full article for an in-depth look at our journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Bolster, founded by ex-army intelligence operators, is tackling disparate data challenges that affect numerous industries.
  • Drawing from their military experience, they understand the critical importance of synchronized data, a lesson that transcends the battlefield.
  • The consequences of data gaps can be significant, making our work vital across various sectors.

Why It Matters

Our innovative approach is poised to transform the sea freight tracking industry. With logistics challenges growing and the need for more accurate tracking becoming increasingly crucial, Bolster's expertise is a game-changer.

Customer Success Story

Take ANZCO Foods, for example. Bolster's solution saved them time and money, Bolster's solution saved them time and money, significantly uplifting visibility and efficiency. πŸ“ˆ It's a testament to Bolster's impact, but there's more to discover in the original article and more coming on this soon. Sign up to our Latest to keep up-to-date

Future Prospects

We're not just limited to sea freight. Bolster's potential reaches end-to-end of the supply chain and into diverse sectors, from carbon emissions measurement to Bolster's routes in defence, with early interest from other sectors to white-label Bolster technology. 


Bolster's feature in the National Business Review is a testament to our transformative role in the sea freight tracking realm. While we've shared a sneak peek here, we invite you to delve deeper into our story and expertise by reading the full article in the National Business Review.

And, stay tuned! πŸ“’ We're committed to keeping you informed with regular updates on our website, LinkedIn, and through our newsletter. The journey is just beginning, and we're excited to have you alongside as we redefine the future of logistics. πŸš€πŸ’ΌπŸŒ

Call to Action

Ready to learn how Bolster can transform your logistics operations and help you overcome "disparate data" challenges?  Ask about a Free Trial  or Take Action below.


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